Welcome to GP Call Rate Offer 2023 post. By purchasing call rates from GP recharge offers you can talk at cheaper rates. Check the complete post to choose the best call rate offer from GP Call Rate Offer 2023. 3You need to use the GP recharge method to purchase the GP SIM call rate offer.
Many people also call this package a Grameenphone call rate offer 2023. Whatever you call it, your main objective is to make your call rate offer cheaper.
Many people think that I have enough money on my mobile but why should I use the call-rate offer? I would suggest you always keep a call rate offer on your mobile.
Also offer: GP Minute Offer 30 Days
Otherwise, GP will charge a lot of money from your mobile. GP default call rate is around tk.2. GP can talk at 1 paisa second call rate i.e. 60 paise per minute rate by using the GP call rate offer.
GP call rate offer 2023. GP Callrate Offer 2023
Do you know about GP’s special call offer? Many of us know about GP Regular 1 paisa second call rate offer.
But GP is currently offering you a 48 paise/minute call rate offer, which is GP’s special offer on GP SIM.
Currently, all mobile operators are offering call rates and Grameenphone has this facility for their customers.
Although GP customers are using regular minute offers, internet offers and bundle offers on their SIM.
GP 1 paisa Second call rate offer
If you look at the Grameenphone call rate offer list, you will see 7 1 paisa second call rate offers. Also, the 48paisa minute call rate offer will be discussed below.

GP 21 Taka recharge offer
GP is now offering 1 Paisa Second call rate for as low as Rs.21. A few days ago, the lowest offer in the GP call rate offer was 29 taka on recharge. GP Tk 21 Recharge Call Rate Offer Validity 2 Days.
GP 29 Taka recharge offer
1 paisa second offer on tk 29 recharge on Grameenphone SIM has been running for a long time. GP 29 Taka Recharge Offer 1 Paisa Second Call Rate Validity 3 Days.
GP 39 Taka recharge pack
Are you looking for a 1 Paisa Second call rate package for 5 days on your GP SIM? But you can activate the offer now by recharging Rs.39.
1 paisa second call rate and also 39 tk in your main account.
GP 49 Taka recharge offer
Banglalink SIM is providing internet offer to customers on Tk 49 recharge.
However, GP has given a call rate offer of 7 days to the customers of Tk 49 recharge offer, but now it has expired for 15 days.
So recharge GP for Tk 49 to get 1 paisa second GP call rate package for 15 days period.
GP 79 Taka recharge offer
GP 24/7 Total call rate for 10 days period, 1 paise per second offer 2020 is a popular offer 79 recharge offer. Currently, GP customers are getting 1 paisa per second call rate for 10 days by recharging this amount.
GP 109 Tk call rate offer
If you want to talk at 1 Paisa Second call rate for one month on your GP SIM, then you can purchase this offer.
The GP tk109 recharge offer is a customer favorite and has been available for a long time. You need to purchase the tk 109 1 paisa second offer to talk freely for one month.
GP 209 Taka recharge offer
GP has launched a new call rate offer which is valid for 2 months. GP has introduced a new call rate offer of tk 209 in 2023 keeping in mind their large number of customers.
Now many consider the Tk 209 recharge offer as the best GP call rate offer bd 2023. Recharge Rs.209 to activate 1 Paisa Second offer for 2 months.
How can I check my GP offer?
Now you can check your GP offer by dialing a code.
You can easily check GP recharge offer validity. GP prepaid customers dial * 121 * 1 * 2 # and postpaid SIM users dial * 121 * 4601 # to check GP call rate offer validity.
How can I stop GP 29 TK Recharge offer?
You can check the validity of the offers purchased from GP Call Rate Offer 2021 by pressing * 121 * 1 * 2 #.
If you don’t want to continue your purchase of the tk.29 recharge offer, you can cancel it.
Dial 1211003*1# To stop GP 29 Taka call rate offer.
GP recharge Offer details:
- The recharge amount will be added to the customer’s main account.
- Recharge the mentioned amount to get a 1 paisa minute offer.
- The GP 48 paisa minute offer is for prepaid customers only.
- Dial * 121 * 1 * 2 # to know GP Callrate offer validity.
- Offers are not available for GP Skito SIM users.
What is the call rate of GP?
Grameenphone GP is now offering customers a 48 Poisha/minute call rate offer. GP subscribers can avail of this call rate offer by recharging Tk 21, Tk 49, Tk 69, and Tk 109 in GP SIM.
How can I know my GP call rate?
Dial * 121 * 1 * 2 # to know about your current GP call rate offer validity. Also dial * 121 * 1003 * 7 # if you want to stop the GP call rate offer.
How do I cancel my GP 109 TK recharge offer?
Dial * 121 * 1003 * 1 # to stop GP 109 Taka Recharge Call Rate Offer.
How can I get 1-year validity in GP?
GP prepaid customer dial * 121 * 1 * 2 # to get one-year validity. You can also visit the official website of Grameenphone for details.