GP 1000 minute offer 30 Days Pack code | জিপি ১০০০ মিনিট অফার

What do you know about GP 1000 minute offer 30 Days pack? What is the price of GP 1000 minutes offer? And what is being given to you in Grameenphone 1000 minutes offer, today we have prepared Grameenphone 1000 minutes pack post with all these information.

Grameenphone Recharge Minute Offers Currently many new minute offers have been added including 1000 minutes maximum one minute offer.

But the best thing is that currently Grameenphone is giving customers 1GB internet free with 1000 minutes.

GP 1000 minute offer 30 Days Pack code

Friends, for those Grameenphone customers who already know about the GP 500 minutes offer, a good news is that Grameenphone is offering 1000 minutes with internet included.

GP 1000 minute offer 30 Days | জিপি ১০০০ মিনিট অফার

Friends GP 1000 minute offer price 604 Taka. If you need GP 1000 minute package, recharge 604 Taka on your Grameenphone SIM. Not only minute, Grameenphone 1000 minute packages also provide 1 GB free internet in this pack.

Minutes + InternetRecharge AmountActivation codeValidity
1000 minute+ 1 GB604 Taka*121*4209#30 Days

GP 1000 minute pack

By looking at the above table, you must have understood that Grameenphone 1000 minutes pack price is 604 rupees. Currently you can buy 1000 minutes on GP SIM for Rs 604 direct recharge. This offer is giving 1 GB internet with 1000 minutes.

Also if you are using any mobile banking service apps running in Bangladesh, you can definitely purchase this offer by selecting voice offer.

Whether you purchase the GP 1000 minutes offer using direct GP recharge or mobile banking services, you will get 1000 minutes along with 1 GB internet free.

See also  GP Monthly Internet Pack 2023 | Grameenphone New Internet Offer

GP 604 Taka recharge offer

Yes friends GP 1000 minutes offer now 604 taka on recharge. Considering the amount of minutes used by the customers using the GP minute offer, Grameenphone has fixed the price of their maximum girls’ minute offer at Tk 604.

If you want to purchase 1000 minutes on GP SIM then you need to recharge Rs.604 as mentioned earlier. Hopefully you won’t have any problem purchasing GP SIM 1000 minutes offer.

You can visit our site regularly to know about all the offers including GP 1000 Minutes Offer, GP 500 Minutes Offer, GP Internet Offer.

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GP 1000 minutes offer dial code

Yes guys you have seen right GP 1000 minutes offer code recently released by GP.

Those who want to purchase GP 1000 minutes pack using the code *121*4209# dial this code.

Before dialing the code, make sure you have a balance of Rs 604 on your mobile.

Because GP uses the 1000 minutes code, you need to have sufficient balance on your SIM to purchase the offer.

How can I buy 1000 minutes in GP?

To avail GP 1000 minute offer, Grameenphone customers need to recharge 604 tk or dial 1214209# activation code. GP Customer will get 1000 Minutes and 1GB Internet for 30 days. GP SIM users can call GP to GP and GP-Any local operator number.

Also Read –

  • Robi recharge offer 2021
  • Grameenphone bundle offer
  • GP new sim offer
  • Bkash account open

In conclusion,

See also  GP MB Check Code 2023 | গ্রামীণফোন এমবি চেক করার কোড

Friends, if you have any question about GP 1000 minute offer 30 days, you can comment us. Leave us a comment to know about any other GP offer apart from Grameenphone GP 1000 minutes offer.

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