Robi Internet Offer 30 Days Pack List | রবি ইন্টারনেট অফার 2023

Do you know about Robi internet offer 30 days 2023? Friends today I came to tell you about the internet offer for 30 days period. Many people want to enter the internet offer on their SIM for a period of 30 days.

But for your information, currently checking internet offers for 30 days period shows that most of the offers are available together with minutes and internet.

The main reason for this is that Robi and Airtel Telecom tend to offer bundled offers to customers more noticeable.

It is also noteworthy that the recently released Prakash Robi Internet list shows that the number of 28-day offers is more than the 30-day offers.

Don’t know why but Internet offer for 30 days period is very high, Robi official banner didn’t catch my eye.

Robi Internet Offer

However, I will tell you about some other robi internet offers apart from the regular robi internet offer 30 days pack.

Robi Internet Offer 30 Days 2023 List – Robi Internet Offer 2023 Monthly

However, there are several internet offers for the recently released Robi Combo Bundle offer customers for a period of 30 days.

In this Robi Internet Offer 2023 monthly packs, customers are getting sufficient amount of minutes with internet.

  As we use mobile and call is the easiest medium to keep in touch with each other using mobile. So more or less all need minutes.

If you are running out of minutes then I would definitely suggest you to use the Robi Combo Bundle offers.

Currently, if you look at the Robi Internet offer 30 days validity list, you will see that currently they have three offers for providing internet only to customers.

Robi Monthly Internet Pack currently starts at Rs 349. Currently the highest monthly internet pack is the 50GB offer and the lowest is the 26GB pack.

But if you use Robi bundle offer you can get up to 100 GB internet with minutes.

However, for your information, there are some Robi promotional internet offers, and some closed SIM offers, in all those offers, customers get 30 days of internet at a low price.

These offers are basically not for all Robi Internet users. However, those Robi customers who have received the SMS about the special Robi Internet offer can activate the offer through recharge or activation code.

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However, let’s talk about Robi Internet offers at this stage of the post.

Robi 349 Taka Internet Offer

Robi internet users know about Robi Rs 349 internet offer since long.

When it launched this Robi internet offer 30 days it introduced 1 GB to 30 GB internet per day as one of the best Robi Net packages to the customers.

Later, this internet package was divided into four parts and was being provided with five GB of internet per week for a long time.

However, currently Robi is providing 26 GB internet without any obligation to its customers at Rs 349 internet offer.

Robi 349 Tk recharge 26 GB internet offer has been fixed for 30 days.

Robi 429 Taka Internet Offer

There are many Robi internet users in Bangladesh who need 30 GB internet data per month.

Keeping those customers in mind, Robi has come up with 45GB internet offer at Rs 429 recharge.

If you need the Rabi 30 days internet offer then you can purchase 45GB internet pack by recharging Rs 429.

Robi 497 Taka Internet Offer

The maximum offer of Robi SIM is 50 GB offer in providing internet data only.

If your internet usage is high then you can purchase Robi internet offer 30 days / Robi monthly internet offer.

Recharge your Robi SIM now to purchase 50GB Robi Internet offer for 30 days.

Robi Internet Offer Monthly Bundle pack 2023

You can use internet and minutes at the same time at an affordable price. If you notice, there are currently 9 regular offers running on Robi SIM.

Robi internet bundle offer 2023 – Robi internet offer 30 days Bundle pack

Friends, you must have seen the table above.

All the internet bundle offers currently available in Robi monthly internet offer are given here.

But currently there are several offers beyond the poster banner that are worth noting the Robi Flexi Load SIM.

Guys a little problem most of the bundle offers internet offers have been changed from 28 days to 30 days.

Robi 158 Taka Bundle Offer

Currently Robi SIM is offering a bundle pack of Rs 158 for a minimum 30 day period of Rs. Robi bundle offer for Rs 158 customers get 2 GB internet + 150 minutes.

Robi 198 Taka Bundle Offer

There are many Robi internet users who want to use little internet for 30 days only to talk on Emu.

See also  Robi 30 GB Internet Offer Code 2023

Along with that, keeping in mind the customers who need some minutes, Robi is offering 4 GB internet and 200 minutes on a recharge of Rs 198 in a new bundle offer.

Robi 299 Taka Bundle Offer

300 rupees minutes and internet in Robi? Yes, Robi is currently offering 7GB internet and 300 minutes for Rs 300 recharge for customers.

This bundle offer for 30 days is the best offer for customers who want to use internet within a limited budget.

Robi 348 Taka Bundle Offer

The demand for Robi bundle offer is increasing day by day.

In line with that, Robi is increasing the amount of bundle offers for their customers, one of the Robi offers is the Robi Recharge Bundle Offer of Rs. 348.

In this offer, customers can talk for 400 minutes along with 10 internet usage.

Robi 498 Taka Bundle Offer

If you want to purchase the optional Robi bundle offer, you will have to spend roughly Rs.500.

But it is not only Robi Telecom operator but almost all the operators in Bangladesh are in the same situation.

Compared to other telecom operators, Robi internet offer 30 days pack is slightly more than all other telecoms.

Where Robi customers are getting 25 GB internet and 700 minutes.

You need to recharge Rs 598 to purchase the exact same offer on your GP SIM.

Robi 548 Taka Bundle Offer

There is not much difference between the Rs 498 and Rs 448 bundle offers on Robi SIM.

You can purchase the offer of your choice considering the differences between the two.

Currently, Robi is offering its customers 28 GB internet and 750 minutes for 30 days at Rs 548.

Robi internet Bundel offer 30 days Recharge Rs. 548 directly to buy this offer.

Robi 598 Taka Bundle Offer

If you want to buy 40 GB internet and 900 minutes together with Robi SIM then the Rs 598 bundle offer is for you.

Currently, you are getting exactly this amount of minutes and internet data on Robi SIM recharge of Rs 598.

Robi 648 Taka Bundle Offer

Once the Robi bundle offer list was running with the highest Robi offer up to Tk 598, but now two different new internet and minutes are being offered to customers at Tk 648 and Tk 799.

See also  Robi Sim Bundle Offer 2023 30 Days | রবি সিম বান্ডেল অফার

Where Robi customers are getting 1000 and above minutes.

If your monthly internet usage is 50 GB and also requires 1000 minutes, you can purchase Robi for Rs 648.

And can safely use minutes and internet packs for 30 days.

Robi 799 Taka Bundle Offer

In the latest official banner released on Robi SIM, Robi has announced an offer to bundle customers with 1200 minutes and 60GB internet offer.

If you are interested in purchasing exactly this kind of offer on your Robi SIM then the offer is for you.

If you want to use 60 GB internet and 1200 minutes pack, recharge now for Tk 799.

Robi bundle offer 30 days – Robi internet package 30 days

You have seen the offers with minutes and internet in the above Robi monthly internet offer. All these offers are called Robi bundles.

Basically, to encourage customers to use internet, they are providing internet packs with minutes.

You can use Robi bundle offer pack minutes to talk to any telecom operator.

So I would suggest you check the bundle offer carefully before purchasing.

Visit the Robi Top-Up Center if necessary and find out about the exact offer from the shopkeeper.

Because Robi has brought changes in many offers now, there may be some changes in your currently preferred offer.


Hope you found your favorite Robi Internet Offer from Robi Internet Offer 30 Days list 2023.

Also in this post we have tried to give you detailed information about Robi bundle offer.

robi internet package 30 days is the best bundle offer for customers that I have seen.

Visit our website to get accurate information about internet offers, minutes offers, call rate offers and bundle offers.

And join our facebook page.

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