Robi SMS Pack 30 Days & check code 2023 | রবি এসএমএস অফার

Robi SMS Pack 30 days offers in this post. Recently, Robi has brought new and cheap prices in SMS pack list. If you are using regular Robi SMS offer then here is Robi SMS offer list and Robi SMS offer code, select your favorite offer from all Robi SMS pack 2023.

Robi is currently the second largest mobile operator in the country. The use of SMS or short messages is increasing day by day across the world, so Robi SMS pack is being made more customer friendly.

Robi values customer choice, currently Robi offers a variety of SMS offers.

Robi SMS Pack 30 Days

Robi SMS pack 30 days | Robi SMS check code 2023

All Robi SMS Offer 2023 codes are valid.

If your search is how to purchase Robi SMS pack 30 days offer, then you are at right place.

Using Robi SMS offer 2023 you can now send SMS to all numbers in the country. Know about Robi SMS offer code and Robi SMS price from the table.

Robi SMS Offer Code 2023 List

SMS packpriceValidityActivation Code
10 SMS1 Taka1 Hour* 8666 * 1 #
200 SMS5 Taka30 Days* 123 * 2 * 7 * 1#
500 SMS10 Taka30 Days* 123 * 2 * 7 * 2 #
1500 SMS20 Taka30 Days* 123 * 2 * 7 * 3 #

List for sms pack from Robi to Robi and from Robi to any local operated number. Check Robi SMS Pack 2023 Details to get a proper idea about all the packs.

Robi 10 SMS at 1 Taka

Currently, Robi customers can activate an SMS pack by spending Rs. But this offer is valid for 1 hour.

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Dial Robi SMS Code * 8666 * 1 # to purchase Robi 10 SMS Pack. You can send SMS to all networks.

Robi 200 SMS at 5 Taka

Do you know about the popular Robi 5 Taka 200 SMS offer? This Robi SMS offer is quite popular as this offer is valid for 30 days.

Robi SMS offer 2023 list is the best customer friendly offer, this offer of Rs 5.

Dial *123*2*7*1# to buy Robi 200 SMS pack. The price is 5 rupees. Duration 30 days. You can send SMS to all numbers.

Robi 500 SMS at 10 Taka

Friends, Robi 500 SMS pack price is 10 rupees. This Robi 500 SMS pack price is cheaper than all other mobile operators.

Dial code * 123 * 2 * 7 * 2 # to avail Robi 500 SMS offer. You will get 500 SMS, valid for 30 days.

Robi 1500 SMS at 10 Taka

Currently, the number of Bangladesh SMS sending and SMS texting subscribers is increasing. Many mobile users now communicate with their loved ones through SMS.

Because bulk SMS offers are very beneficial to the customers to reduce the mobile cost.

For instance, Robi is now offering customers 1500 SMS for just Rs.20.

You understand what SMS Robi can bring to customers in the future. Stay with us to stay updated about Robi SMS pack 30 days.

Dial * 123 * 2 * 7 * 3 # to purchase Robi 1500 SMS Pack. You can send SMS to any mobile number in the country for a period of up to 30 days.

Robi to Robi SMS pack

Many Robi customers look for Robi to Robi SMS offers.

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But I will tell you instead of buying Robi to Robi SMS Pack, use the offers from Robi to send sms to any network.

Which is good for you.

For instance, I will tell you that if you want to purchase short term SMS offer, you can use Robi SMS purchase code.

Because Robi is giving special discount on purchase of Robi to Robi SMS offer. To buy Robi to Robi SMS pack you need to dial this code * 123 * 6 * 5 #.

Robi SMS pack code * 123 * 6 * 5 # Follow next instructions.

How to buy a Robi SMS pack?

To purchase a Robi SMS pack just dial *123*6*5# and see all the latest Robi SMS packages on your mobile screen. Choose the right SMS offer you.

Robi SMS checking code?

Just dial *222*12# to check the Robi SMS pack.

Information about SMS pack-

  • Robi SMS Check Code *222*12#
  • All SMS prices are inclusive of 15% VAT, 5% SD & 1% SC.
  • All Robi Prepaid Customers can use these SMS packs.
  • You can use Robi SMS packs as often as you like.

In conclusion,

Friends this is all about Robi SMS pack 30 days today. If you have any query about Robi SMS offer then let us know by commenting. Stay with us to know first about all telecom offer LIKE internet offer, minute offer.

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