Now many people search Google about GP 100 SMS 30 days code. To help you how you can buy GP 100 SMS pack today I will know about this. Country’s popular network GP has recently released 100 SMS Offer for all prepaid customers.
This GP SMS Pack allows you to send (GP-GP) SMS. But this SMS offer cannot be used in other local mobile operators. This offer is GP 100 SMS offer pack 2022. This is the best internet offer for GP customers.
Currently Grameenphone is providing attractive SMS offers for all customers at affordable prices. You can purchase this GP 100 SMS pack for just .7. However, all Grameenphone customers can purchase a 100 SMS pack for just 7TK and use it to send SMS on the GP-to-GP network. If you want to buy this interesting internet offer you can buy it cheaply from here.
GP 100 SMS 30 days code – GP 100 SMS pack
We all know that Grameenphone is the largest telecom mobile operator in Bangladesh. Their network services are provided almost all over Bangladesh and they have a strong network service.
It will not be wrong to call it the most powerful telecom network service company in Bangladesh. GP always offers great SMS.
Learn More:
GP Minute Offer Pack Code 2022
Robi Balance Check Code Number
Today I will tell you how to buy GP 100 SMS 30 days code pack. However, it is with great regret that Grameenphone is currently not providing any kind of activation code to customers to purchase 100 SMS for a period of seven days.
But if you want to purchase 100 SMS for seven days then you can easily select GP 100 SMS 7 days pack for you from GP Flexiplan app.

GP 100 SMS offer 30 Days
GP 100 SMS 30 days code is not viable.
So, GP 100 SMS 3 days price 10 Taka. If you want to purchase 100 SMS for 30 people in GP then download My GP Flexiplan apps on your mobile now.
GP 100 SMS 7 days code
But here we want to know about your 7 days validity 100 sms pack activation code.
You can buy this 100 SMS pack for 7 days for just TK.7. GP customers need to use USSD code to avail this GP 100 SMS offer.
If you need this 100 sms offer, you can purchase it for just TK.7.
GP 100 SMS 7 Days Code is *121*1015*1#
So dial *121*1015*1# to purchase GP 100 SMS offer. This SMS pack will expire in 07 days.
GP 100 SMS Offer Purchase Terms & Conditions:
- Dial *121*1015*1# to activate GP 100 offer.
- Grameenphone excellent SMS offer validity is available for both 07 and 30 days female customers.
- The GP 100 SMS package is available at TK60 for seven days and TK10 for 30 days.
- VAT associated with 100 SMS offer.
- You can buy multiple times.
- After expiry the remaining SMS will not be used.
- This offer is applicable to all GP customers.
- Source: Grameenphone
How much is GP 100 SMS code?
Grameenphone customers dial *121*1015*1# to buy GP100 SMS code for 7 days.
How can I buy 1000 SMS in GP for 30 days
Yes you can Buy GP 1000 SMS Pack Monthly pack. You can buy 1000 SMS in GP for 30 days directly using gp sms code or using Grameenphone MyGp apps. You can take this offer through MyGP Flexiplan