Robi Minute Bundle Offer 2023 | New Robi Minute Pack List

Welcome to Robi Minute Bundle Offer post. Today I will tell you about New Robi Minute Pack List 2023 published by Robi Aziata. But it is going to be the best post especially for those customers who are looking for Robi Minute Bundle Offer.

Here we will discuss all the Robi Minutes offers that Robi is providing internet with minutes.

Along with that I will discuss in detail about all Robi Bundle Offer 2023. robi 199 tk minute offer and the latest official banner released by robi is giving several new minute offers.

The offer you can call Minute Bundle offer where some free internet is being provided to the customers along with the minutes.

Robi Minute Bundle Offer

Robi Minute Bundle Offer 2023 – রবি minutes বান্ডেল অফার

The word bundle means to provide multiple things together. If you only want to use minutes, you can switch to just the minutes bundles.

You can use the internet provided to you in these offers if you want or not.

It is mainly provided by telecom operators to encourage you to use the internet.

Currently reviewing Robi Minute Bundle Offer list 2023 shows that there are 10 minute packs. Among these 10 minutes bundle offers only some offers are giving free internet.

However, there are Robi Combo Bundle offers for special customers, in which the Robi customer is given a combination of minutes and internet packs as per their needs.

Robi Minute Bundle Pack List

If you love to use Robi SIM minutes then these offers are for you.

Robi Recharge Bundle package
Minute BundleRechargeActivation codeValidity
37 MinutesTK. 2424 Hours
90 MinutesTK. 597 Days
130 MinutesTK. 787 Days
170 MinutesTK. 1047 Days
325 MinutesTK. 19930 Days
340 MinutesTK. 20730 Days
500 Minutes + 512 MBTK. 30730 Days
525 Minutes + 512 MBTK. 32430 Days
650 Minutes + 6 GBTK. 39830 Days
1000 Minutes + 1 GBTK. 60430 Days

robi bundle offer pack 2023

Robi 24 TK 37 Minute Bundle

For those who are using Robi SIM’s small minute offer, it is best to use Robi Minute Card.

But to activate minimum Robi minutes offer through recharge, you need to recharge Rs.14. Customers will get 21 minutes on Tk 14 Robi recharge.

However, recently the official banner did not mention the Tk 14 minute bundle offer. You can activate this offer by recharging 21 taka if you want.

The latest official banner released by Robi is packing small Robi Minutes offer.

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Rabi Tk 24 Recharge Minute Pack.

  • Recharge Rs. 24 directly to your Robi SIM to avail the offer.
  • Getting 37 minutes.
  • Duration 24 hours.
  • Robi 59 TK 90 Minute Bundle
  • Among the Sunday 7-day period minute offers, the smallest minute offer is 100 minutes offer at Tk 59.

Recharge Rs 59 on Robi to get the offer.

  • You get 90 minutes.
  • Duration 7 days.
  • Robi 100 minutes Bundle
  • Many people search Google about Robi 100 minute offer. However, the poster published on robi Thak did not inform the customer about the 64 Tk 100 minutes offer.

Robi 100 minutes Bundle

Many people search Google about Robi 100 minute offer. However, the poster published on Robi Thak did not inform the customer about the 64 Tk 100 minutes offer.

But you will get Rs 64 recharge 100 minutes on your Robi SIM, for a period of 7 days.

Robi 74 TK 120 Minute Bundle

For those customers who are looking for new Robi minute bundle 7 Days pack has released another offer.

In this offer the customer is being given 130 minutes, you need to recharge 74 taka to purchase the offer.

Robi 104 Taka Recharge Offer

Many of us know about Robi SIM 99 Tk 160 minutes offer. This is the one minute offer customers prefer to talk on any network.

However, recently Robi 160 offer customers are not mentioned in Robi posters. However, the customer is getting 160 minutes with a recharge of Tk 99.

In addition to this offer, another new Saturday minute offer is being offered for 170 minutes at Tk 104.

  • Recharge Tk 59 to avail Sunday 170 minutes offer.
  • In addition, this offer is providing life insurance of 1 lakh taka, the insurance period is 1 month.
  • Duration 7 days.

Robi minute pack 30 days

Would you like to know about Robi minute pack 30 days offer? At present, if you are just looking for Robi monthly minute offer, now you get 7-minute pack.

All Robi 30-day valid minute offers are discussed here

Robi 199 Taka Recharge Offer – Robi 199 tk minute offer

If you are looking for robi monthly minutes offer then you know update about this offer.

Because this offer is a very old offer in Robi and this offer is 325 minutes at Tk 199.

  • Recharge Tk 59 to avail Sunday 170 minutes offer.
  • In addition, this offer is providing life insurance of 1 lakh taka, the insurance period is 1 month.
  • Duration 7 days.

Robi 300 Minute Offer AT 207 TK

Dear Robi Customer If you want to buy 300 minutes offer on Robi SIM, then I tell you that you are not getting any offer of 300 minutes right now.

See also  My Robi Internet Offer 2023 | রবি আমার অফার কি? কিভাবে পাবেন

But there are 2 Robi Minute bundles above 300 minutes. One is 325 minutes offer and other is 340 minutes offer.

But according to me, for those who want to use Robi minute offer 30 days pack, 340 minutes offer at 207 taka recharge is the best.

Recharge Rs 207 to avail Robi 340 minutes offer.

  • Duration 1 month.
  • Robi 500 Minute Offer AT 307 TK
  • Now though robi is offering minutes up to 1300 minutes to customers, once robi 500 minute pack was the best minute pack.

Currently, Robi customers are getting 512 MB free internet along with the 500 minutes offer on a recharge of Tk 307. Duration 30 days.

Robi 324 Tk Recharge offer

New robi minute bundle 2023 are coming. Now you are getting 525 minutes and 512 MB bonus on your Robi SIM 324 taka.

Recharge Tk 324 to get 525 minutes offer on Sunday.

  • There is 512 MB free internet.
  • Also in this offer life insurance of 1 lakh taka is being provided, the insurance period is 6 months.
  • Duration 30 days.

Robi 398 Taka Bundle offer

According to me the Robi Rs 398 offer is a Robi combo offer 2023.

While Robi is a combo offer, Robi has officially placed this offer in the K Minute offer list and confirmed the new Robi Minute Pack.

6 GB internet with 650 minutes of this offer is given on recharge of 398 taka in Robi. Duration is one month.

However, although it is officially called 6 GB Internet (4 GB + 2 GB bonus), many customers are being provided with more data.

Robi 1000 Minutes Bundle

Choice of offers for Sunday minutes only The 1000 minutes offer is the biggest among the Sunday minutes offers.

But currently Robi is offering bigger minutes offers, but those offers are Robi bundle offers. Where the customer gets minutes and internet and SMS together.

Currently, customers are getting 1 GB free internet on purchase of robi 1000 minute offer.

Buy Robi 1000 minute pack

  • Robi Recharge Rs.604.
  • You get 1000 minutes and 1 GB internet.
  • Duration 30 days.

Robi Minute & Internet Bundle offer pack 2023

রবি minutes + ইন্টারনেট বান্ডেল অফার
Minute BundleRechargeActivation codeValidity
1 GB + 30 Minutes37 Taka3 Days
3 GB + 50 Minutes98 Taka7 Days
5 GB + 200 Minutes198 Taka28 Days
10 GB + 400 Minutes369 Taka30 Days
30 GB + 800 Minutes599 Taka30 Days
42 GB +  1300 Minutes799 Taka30 Days

Here is the latest Robi Bundle Offer 2023 released by Robi Telecom Operator.

See also  Robi MB Check USSD Code

If you wish to avail the Robi minute offer, you can purchase any of the Robi minute bundle offers from the Robi minute bundle 2023 list table provided above.

If you want to use minutes along with internet then you must see this Robi bundle offer 2023 list.

Recharge specified amount to purchase the offer you need from here.

You can use the latest minute offers and bundle offers from Robi for your needs.

Robi 5 minute pack

Friends robi 5 minute pack is not a regular robi minutes offer. But you would have known about this offer by dialing Robi minutes purchase code *0# and could have purchased it now.

But by dialing Robi minute offer code *0# you are not getting any such offer.

Sunday 25 minutes offer at 14 taka

Are you still wondering about Robi 14 Taka Recharge Offer? But listen, the official Robi 14 Tk recharge offer is currently not providing 25 minutes to customers as before.

By purchasing 25 minutes pack for Rs 14, now you are getting only 21 minutes. As the validity period is short, many customers now do not use this offer unless it is very necessary.

40 minutes for 10 taka

If you are looking for a 40 minutes offer for Rs 10, you will not get it, the operator in the country does not currently offer such an offer.

For those who search on Google, we advise you not to waste your precious time looking for such offers.

Sunday minutes purchase code

If you are not interested in buying Robi recharge minutes directly on your Robi SIM, there are a few options for you.

But we think Robi recharge minute offers are the best.

In these offers you can get latest updated amount of minutes. And get to know about new minute packs.

  But if you have sufficient Robi balance in your mobile then you can use Robi minutes purchase code.

The code to buy Sunday minutes is *0#. If you dial the code to buy Robi minutes, you will get the list of all the offers available on your SIM.

However, there are some differences between Robi’s minutes.

There are specific minute codes for specific offers. We will discuss Robi minute offer code specifically in another post.

But here you will find easily, you need robi minutes offer for you.

Robi Minute Check Code

Friends, after purchasing any Robi minute bundle offer, you must check it. But many people do not save the Robi Minute Check Code after purchasing the minute pack.

But don’t worry, here we will tell you about Robi Minute Check Code.


Hope you got to know about Robi Minute Bundle offer. Read our Robi Bundle offer post to know more about Robi Minute Bundle Offer 2023.

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