Airtel Sim Number Check Code BD এয়ারটেল নম্বর দেখার নিয়ম

Do you know about airtel number check code? Those of you who use regular Airtel SIM should be aware of their numbers. This is why you need to use your number for different purposes at different times.

Airtel is one of the popular telecom operators in Bangladesh. Airtel BD and Robi together are currently trying to provide the best speed internet to the customers of Bangladesh at a low cost.

Now many people want to know about Airtel SIM number viewing rules, how Airtel SIM users can know about their own number will be informed in this post. But it is normal for people to ask about their number.

Airtel Sim Number Check Code BD এয়ারটেল নম্বর দেখার নিয়ম

Previously, Airtel customers used to dial a 5-digit USSD code to view the number.

But recently Airtel has released a new single digit Airtel Number Check Code to give more convenience to the customers.

By using the new Airtel code, the customer can easily remember the one-digit USSD code and can easily retrieve his SIM number at any convenient time.

Also Airtel has brought some more new minute offers for customers, I will try to inform you here through discussion. Hope you see the matter in right perspective.

Airtel number check code is *2#. If the Airtel connection you are using is active, the number will be displayed on your mobile screen as soon as you dial the code.

If for some reason you can’t see your number, it must be a network problem, so try again after a while.

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Or the 5-digit USSD code 1217*3# that Airtel was providing to the customers earlier.

You can use that USSD code if you want.

Airtel Number Check Code List

New Airtel Code BD*2#
See the old Airtel number Check Code১২১৭*৩#

Rules and Codes to Check Airtel Number

Also if you have a smartphone then of course you can easily view your number and other SIM information by installing and logging in the My Airtel app on your smartphone.

Airtel 100 minutes offer

Currently there is no offer of 100 minutes on direct recharge for Airtel customers.

But if you want to use 85 minutes for a period of 7 days, then you must recharge your Airtel SIM with Tk 53.

Airtel 200 minutes offer

There is no exact 200 minutes offer on Airtel SIM yet. However, there is an offer for customers for 190 minutes on a recharge of TK 118 for a period of 10 days.

Airtel customers can activate two offers simultaneously with a recharge of TK 118.

Currently you will get 190 minutes pack on your Airtel SIM for a recharge of Tk 118 for a period of ten days.

Also, Airtel Minutes Best All Rate 54 Paisa/Minute will be activated for 20 days on the same amount of recharge.

Airtel is the only operator in Bangladesh who is offering minutes and call rate offers simultaneously for the same amount of recharge.

Airtel 300 minutes offer

It is good to say that no operator in Bangladesh offers exactly 300 minutes to customers.

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If you look at most of the operators you will find Tara 310, 330, 340 offering such minutes.

And currently Airtel has 340 minutes pack for Tk 207 recharge for customers.

Airtel SIM will cost TK 207 to purchase 340 minutes, with a validity of 30 days.

Airtel 500 minutes offer

Friends Airtel has 500 minutes offer but not exactly 500 minutes, Airtel is currently offering five hundred and ten minutes to customers for a period of 30 days on a recharge of Tk 307.

Airtel 1000 minutes offer

Airtel minutes offer is 800 minutes pack on recharge of Tk 488 in case of providing only minutes package.

But don’t you worry Airtel is offering 1000 minutes for customers.

However, in the said offer, customers are getting 1000 minutes with 1GB internet at a cost of just 604 rupees.

  • You recharge TK 604 to buy 1000 minutes on Airtel SIM.
  • You will get 1 GB internet 1000 minutes for 30 days period.

Questions related to Airtel Number Check Code?

How much is Airtel number check code?

Airtel number check code using dial code is *2#.

How to check airtel number?

To Check Airtel Number Dial Airtel Number View Code *2# or *1273#.

Rules to see airtel number?

You can use a single digit USSD code *2# or know all the information by installing My Airtel Apps and logging in. So the rule to see Airtel number is to dial *2# code.


Hope you got to know about airtel number check code. Friends, if you want to know more about the rules for viewing your Airtel number, please let us know.

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